entrepreneur series feb unairEntrepreneur Series (ES) is a work program from the Creative Economy Division (Ekraf) of the Islamic Economics Student Association (HIMA EKIS) Universitas Airlangga for the 2024 period, namely a series of events with the theme "Make Entrepreneurship A Part Of Your Life and Love" containing 2 events held offline, namely the Syariah Bazaar Festival (SBF) and One Day Festival (ODF). The ES logo, which depicts a lamp, symbolizes new breakthroughs and innovations resulting in the creation of healthy and productive industrial relations which are related to entrepreneurship.

With the theme "Make Entrepreneurship A Part Of Your Life and Love" we aim to encourage us to make entrepreneurship a part of our life and love. Namely, you must have high enthusiasm, interest and dedication to the business or enterprise you are running. Apart from that, you must also enjoy the process and challenges that exist in entrepreneurship, and be committed to continuing to learn and develop. We also have to love what we do and provide positive value to others through the products or services we offer. In this way, you will be satisfied and happy in entrepreneurship, as well as being able to achieve the desired success.
Syariah Bazaar Festival (SBF) is a bazaar that aims to be a forum for UNAIR Islamic Economics students to start entrepreneurship and sell their products. Later it will also be filled by ekis store tenants, the Syariah Bazaar Festival will be held in April 2024.

One Day Festival is the peak event of the entrepreneur series which provides tenant services and also contains business and investment classes as well as entertainment with a general public audience covered by tenants . One Day Festival (ODF) which will be held in August.
This activity is on a national scale and the aim of holding this event is to familiarize the public with the specifications of sharia business and to become a forum for students' business and realization. This event is related to SDGs number 4, namely quality education because it educates to improve non-academic skills and also hobbies, namely entrepreneurship, not only creating businesses but also developing and surviving with the businesses that have been created. SDGs number 8 is proper economic growth because it educates and provides a platform for realization for new entrepreneurs and those who are developing their business, which will be directly related to economic growth. SDGs number 17 is partnerships to achieve goals because we want to build an inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurial network.