(Feb News), Thursday, February 27, 2025 - Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair) with full honor receiving a visit from the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) in the framework of the handover of the 2024 Palm Program - BPKH UNAIR Hajj Scholarship Program. The event which took place in the 1st Floor Leadership Meeting Room, Lobby ABC FEB UNAIR is a form of synergy between the academic world, Hajj Financial Management Institutions, and Bank Muamalat in supporting the development of higher education.

This visit is part of BPKH's commitment in supporting education empowerment, especially for outstanding students in the field of Islamic economics. On the occasion, 10 FEB Airlangga students who were selected as scholarship recipients were also present to receive benefits from the program initiated by BPKH.

The event was attended by the Secretary of the Department of Sharia Economics FEB UNAIR, Sulistya Rusgianto, SE, MIF., Ph.D., and Sunan Fanani, S.Ag., M.Pd.I., as BPKH UNAIR scholarship supervisor. Also present Dr. R. Moh. Qudsi Fauzi, MM, Lecturer of Sharia Economics FEB UNAIR. From the BPKH, there was Indriyana Ayu Afrianah, Head of the Strategic Program and Implementing Division of the BPKH Mandiri, along with the team. Representatives from Baitul Mal Muamalat, Yuliana Jamilatul Azizah, as well as from the Directorate of Student Affairs of Airlangga University, Mariska, also participated in this event.

BPKHIn his remarks, Sulistya Rusgianto, SE, MIF., Ph.D. expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the 2024 benefit program which provided scholarships for two semesters from 2024 to 2025 to Islamic economics students Feb Unair. He advised the scholarship recipients to continue to excel and take advantage of the opportunities available optimally.

In line with this, Indriyana Ayu Afrianah hopes that scholarship recipient students can become BPKH ambassadors who are able to socialize the importance of managing hajj funds to the community. He stressed that this program not only supports student education but also builds awareness of transparent and sustainable hajj financial governance.

The list of students who receive the BPKH UNAIR 2024 Hajj Scholarship Program are as follows:

1. Muhammad Daryal Aufhar Masri (042111433250)
2. Muhammad Fifhal Elang Satria (144221127)
3. Alfian Permana Salam (
4. Fiqy Nauval Saifuddin (144221148
) Muttaqin (144221016)
7. Orifhatin Sulthan Jabbari (042111433097)
8. Nayla Sabrina Syah Kusuma (144221054)
9. Kholish Hafidlotul Ilmiyah (144221031)
10. Putu Ilham Fadil Sugiarto (1442221088)

With this scholarship program, it is hoped that beneficiaries can focus more on completing studies and contribute to the development of Islamic economics in the future. FEB UNAIR welcomes this cooperation and hopes that synergy with BPKH can continue to develop to support high quality, inclusive and sustainable higher education.

The BPKH UNAIR Hajj Scholarship Program is expected to have a significant positive impact, not only for individual scholarship recipients, but also for the development of Islamic economics in Indonesia. With financial support that eases the burden of education costs, students can focus more on completing their studies and develop competencies in the fields of Islamic finance, Islamic banking, and sustainable hajj governance. In addition, this program also opens opportunities for students to contribute to research and innovation in the sharia economic sector, as well as increasing awareness of the importance of managing professional and transparent hajj funds. In the future, it is hoped that the scholarship recipients can become leaders and agents of change who play an active role in building an economic system that is more inclusive and based on Islamic values.