Dean's Welcome Message



Welcome to the IUP FEB UNAIR. Thank you for visiting our international program. Our IUP is ready to welcome and serve the new students in the academic year 2020/2021.

This year, UNAIR has been undertaking a revitalization program for IUP which is now available in the seven faculties. The revitalization program aims at transforming IUP to be more adaptive, efficient and focused on its program and service. Specific to the IUP FEB, it is worthy of appreciation that even though considered a new-born but has been appointed as a role model for the other IUP in UNAIR and has also been trusted to lead the UNAIR-IUP revitalization program.

In the upcoming semester and years to come, we continue striving to provide an excellent education in an excellent environment to achieve our mission: preparing future generations to possess global quality by holding tight the excellence with morality as our value.



Warmest regards,

Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia SE., M.Si., Ak., CA.



Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) offers an International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in accounting, management, and Islamic economics. The management program has four concentrations- marketing, finance, human resources, and operations and supply chain-that students can take in semester 6.

Students in the IUP FEB UNAIR will study in an international environment, internationally standardized facilities, and be taught by lecturers who have intense international experience. The international experience of the lecturers in IUP FEB UNAIR manifests in several ways such as extensive international collaboration, graduating from universities abroad, or having international recognition.

The IUP FEB UNAIR determines to make students in the IUP FEB UNAIR program to get as much international exposure as possible. Besides the international environment in the program, students are also required to take at least one of the following international exposures: a one-semester exchange program, a dual degree program, or outbound abroad in one of the partner universities.