Organizationally, the Accounting Department is one of the organizational units under the Faculty of Economics and Business which was previously called the Accounting Department. The change in the status of Universitas Airlangga to become a State University with Legal Entity (PTN-BH) has resulted in structural changes in various work units Universitas Airlangga, including the position of the Accounting Department which currently oversees accounting education programs at various levels. We are a favorite choice for prospective students at various levels of accounting education from diploma to doctoral programs.
Dynamic changes in the global environment have consequences for complex changes in various aspects of life. As an educational institution, the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga cannot escape the demands of these changes. Therefore, the role of the educational process is the main key to creating a continuous improvement process. Thus, this has logical consequences for the commitment to implementing a sustainable education process.
In order to align these goals, we provide the following accounting education programs:
- Doctoral Program in Accounting (S3)
- Master of Accounting Program (S2)
- Accounting Professional Education Program (PPAk.)
- Undergraduate Accounting Study Program (S1)
- PSDKU Banyuwangi Undergraduate Accounting Study Program (S1).
Many of our graduates currently occupy middle and upper management levels in various companies, both private companies and various government institutions. We provide complete information about the Accounting Department and we are very open if there is anything you want to know about the Accounting Department as a whole.
We look forward to your arrival.
Dra. Wiwik Supratiwi, MBA., Ak. Head of the Accounting Department for the 2020-2025 Period