Hima IE News
ECW (Entrepreneurship and Career Workshop) is the largest series of annual events organized by the Development Economics Student Association Universitas Airlangga. This event aims to provide a forum for students, in particular, to prepare themselves to carry out their roles as entrepreneurs or competent workers. Through talk shows, career workshops and people's bazaars. ECW became a platform that inspired and provided...
The Development Economics Student Association (HIMA) Universitas Airlangga will organize ECONOMICS ART (E-Art) activities facilitated by the Department of Sport and Art as part of efforts to meet the need for expertise in the organizational field. Through this activity, it is hoped that the entire E-Art 2024 committee will gain in-depth knowledge about how to run an organizational event effectively and efficiently. This activity...
National Relationship is HIMA EP UNAIR's agenda which is carried out with the aim of gaining relationships and increasing insight as well as becoming a branding medium for HIMA EP UNAIR through visits to and from universities and/or external agencies. Therefore, we, the Public Relations Department of HIMA EP UNAIR, are holding a "National Relationship Campus Visit" activity agenda which aims to introduce HIMA EP UNAIR to...