Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobil alamin. We give all praise to God Almighty for all His mercy so that we are all given health and safety.

Welcome to the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga.

As head of the Department of Economics for the 2021-2025 service period, I encourage all study programs under the Department of Economics, namely the Bachelor of Development Economics, Master of Economics (MIE) and Doctor of Economics (DIE) study programs to become international standard study programs with target of entering the 500 best study programs at global level.

In terms of graduate quality, we encourage graduates of study programs under the Department of Economics to have a competitive edge so that they can be immediately absorbed in the job market in both government and private institutions. Apart from that, we also encourage our graduates to have a superior entrepreneurial spirit in facing the increasingly complex development of the world of work .

In terms of services to stakeholders, the Department of Economics wants to be more responsive and able to adapt to changing times so that it can become a bridge between the academic world and the world of work, the industrial world and society as a whole.

To achieve the target of internationalization of study programs, improving the quality of graduates, and improving stakeholder services, we are committed to providing the best learning experience to students. We present this commitment through the presence of teaching staff (lecturers) in the Department of Economics, the majority of whom have doctoral degrees from domestic or foreign graduates. Apart from that, we also periodically adjust (update) the curriculum, hold guest lectures and writing workshops, hold double degree , student exchanges and so on. We want to ensure that students in study programs under the Department of Economics can study well so that they achieve their best academic potential.

That's my welcome.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


Rossanto Dwi Handoyo, SE, M.Si., Ph.D.

Head of the Department of Economics