Universitas Airlangga

Seminar Material

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Guest Lecture at the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of the Republic of Indonesia by Dr. Adi Lumaksono, MA. on March 4, 2020
Public Lecture by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs 29 January 2020
Sharing Session Day-1: Whistleblowing Research Perspectives
Increasing the Effectiveness of Shopping Towards Superior Human Resources in Advanced Indonesia by Mr Rudi Purwono Wadek I FEB UNAIR 23 Sep 2019
The Role of Regional Government in Regional Economic Growth by Bpk Samsudin BPKAD Banyuwangi Regency 23 Sep 2019
CV Mr Sudarso Director of Budget Implementation
Increasing the Effectiveness of Shopping Towards Superior Human Resources in Advanced Indonesia by Mr Sudarso DJPb 23 Sep 2019
The Role of LPS in Maintaining the Stability of the Indonesian Banking System
Price Stability and Job Opportunities by Pakdhe Karwo March 6 2019
White Company in the Rainbow ocean - by Dr Gancar Candra Premananto MM FEB Unair
CSR Regulations - Building Government and Entrepreneur Partnerships - Dr Gancar Candra Premananto MM FEB Unair
Graduation Material Dec 2018 - What's Next - How to conquer the real life world
Village Development Index Book Review by DR Tjuk K Sukiadi FEB Unair 29 Nov 2018
Guest Lecture on the Politics of Budget Preparation by Prof H Harry Azhar Azis PhD FEB Unair 22 November 2018
DJPK Goes to Campus - FEB Unair - 13 November 2018
Public Lecture on Corporate Transformation in the Digital Era by Mr Sunarso CEO PT Pegadaian (Persero) 8 Nov 2018
Public Lecture on the Development of Research Methods in Economics and Business by Prof Budy P Resosudarmo (ANU) 23 Oct 2018
Public Lecture on Banking Acquisition and Merger Strategy in Indonesia by Mr. Ariastiadi - Executive Director of the Financial Services Authority - FEB Unair 19 October 2018
Fintech Prospects and Opportunities for the Sharia Financial Industry by Dr. Imron Mawardi FEB Unair
Graduate Strategies for Career Development and Entrepreneurship by Drs. Yudhi Wahyu Maharani, Ak., MM. Director of PT BPR East Java
Guest Lecture Publishing Your PhD Research by Prof Zulnaidi USM 27 August 2018
Enggartiasto Lukita Public Lecture, Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia 8 August 2018
Guest Lecture on Competition Policy and Economic DevelopmentCompetition Policy and Economic Development by Muhammad Nawir Messi 23 May 2018
APBN to overcome economic disparities
Business Growth 2016-2017 PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka - 20 April 2018
Public Lecture PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) - FEB Unair 20 April 2018
JFX Indonesia Public Lecture 20 April 2018
Guest Lecture from Mahidol-Thailand Eco - Entrepreneurship 16 April 2018

Global Partnership