Iceb 2025 poster




The faculty of economics and business at Universitas Airlangga is one of Indonesia's leading educational institutions, consistent striving to fulfil its vision of producing outstanding graduates with strong moral values ​​- Achiving excellence with integrity. The faculty has established it itself as an independent, innovative, and reputable university at both national and international levels, serving as a pioneer in the development of science, technology, and humanities rooted in religious ethics.
The faculty of economics and business is committed to quality-oriented institutional development and aims to compete on the global stage while enhancing the welfare of the nation. All Achievements and Accomplishments Made by the faculty's academic community will continue as long as Universitas Airlangga Remains Operational University. To foster a supportive environment for quality improvement and facilitate extensive academic networking, the faculty of economics and business is set to host the 9th International Conference on Economics & Business (ICEB).

This Conference Invites Academics from around the world to participate in sharing and discusing the latest knowledge and development in various issues related to economic and business. With the theme "The Ethics-Economy Nexus: Harnessing Technology for Sustainable Social Impact", we hope to generate innovative ideas that address the urgency of sustainability across multiple social sectors. This forum forum AIMS to Drive Transformation Towards a Better for All.


Purpose Program:


• Strengthening the contribution of the faculty of economics and business Universitas Airlangga to Society.
• Improving Networking between Stakeholders of the Faculty of Economics Universitas Airlangga , Other Academia from Partner and Non-Partner Universities, and Relevant Practitioners in the Industry.

Target Participants:
• Academia, Staff, and Students
• Researcher
• Practitioners
• Public


Detailed agenda

• Seminar
• Parallel Session
• Community Service
• Student Conference

more than 200 particants from around the world, including Doctoral Students, Academics, and Practitioners in Economics and Business, will attend this conference. Participants Hail from Various Regions, Including the United States and Europe, but Particularly from Notable Countries in Asia and the Pacific, Such as Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, India, China, BangladeSh, Pakistan, JAPAN, JAPAN , as well as middle eastern Countries, Australia, and New Zealand. These individuals will present papers that will be discussed during the conference and colloquium.
International Community Service is a transformative opportunity to have meaningful community engagement with social reflection to enrich cross cultural understanding and create meaningful impact in achieving sustainability both for business and local community. The targets of this activity is small medium enterprises in Surabaya that experience challenges in sustainable financial planning and marketing.



Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga