Academic Regulations include regulations regarding academic administration, holding exams, learning evaluations and study limits, student achievements and graduation degrees as well as provisions for transfer students and changing track.


Each year of study consists of 2 (two) regular semesters and 1 (one) short semester. The odd semester takes place in September-February, the even semester takes place in March-July and the short semester takes place in July - August, namely after the end of the even semester. Generally, each semester's face-to-face meetings consist of 14 to 16 face-to-face meetings including evaluations.


Before registering for (academic) courses, every student must complete the payment of tuition fees for one semester in accordance with established regulations.


Before lectures begin, students must determine the courses they will take in the current semester or follow the course regulations that have been determined. Determination of courses is carried out together with the guardian lecturer by showing the Student Identity Card (KTM) and/or proof of payment of tuition fees for the semester in question. The courses taken are listed in the Study Plan Card (KRS) with reference to the Study Results Card (KHS).

Students who have filled out the KRS can change or cancel the courses they are taking by filling in the Study Plan Change Card (KPRS) no later than 2 (two) weeks after lectures start.

Delays in filling out and submitting the KRS beyond the specified time limit for inappropriate reasons will result in the student concerned not being allowed to attend lectures that semester.


1. Semester Credit Units (credits) that must be obtained


 2. Determination of the Maximum Credit Amount

The number of credits taken in the next semester is determined based on the previous semester's Achievement Index and taking into account the flow and prerequisite courses. Prerequisite courses must be passed with a minimum grade of D. The maximum number of credits that can be taken by each student is as follows:

Table 4.2 Maximum number of credits that can be taken



3. Exception Procedures for Maximum Credit Collection Amount

The number of 24 credits is a limit that cannot be exceeded.

The additional number of credits from the provisions for determining the maximum credit amount can be given by 2 (two) credits with strong reasons.