AcSES News
ACESS JOINT RESEARCH (ACESS JR) is one of the work programs of the Research and Paper Division (RNP) ACESS FEB UNAIR. ACESS JOINT RESEARCH (ACESS JR) aims to facilitate the accesses in making scientific journals with quantitative methods. ACESS JOINT RESEARCH (ACESS JR) provides a forum to get to know and learn more about writing scientific journals and data processing in quantitative methods. Access Joint Research (ACESS JR) ...
Sharia Motivation and Achievement Training I (Smart I) is an activity that is held as a forum for improving scientific insight both in terms of theoretical and applicative. And it is hoped that through this program, it can form a golden generation that will later have broad insights, be intelligent in thinking, has good intellectual abilities, and has a praiseworthy personality and later expected to be useful for Nusa and ...
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Accessor 2025 in contributing by making donations that are expected to ease their burden on orphanage, especially in the holy month of Ramadan which is full of blessings, with us proudly from the Public Relations and Communication Division presents the work program of ACSES Social Responsibility. This activity is closely related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Number 1, namely without poverty, in ...