FEB Unair has provided internet facilities using hotspot access to make it easier for students and lecturers to use the internet within the FEB Unair environment. There are several places that have Wifi access, including:

1.Along the gallery on the 1st floor of the S1 building

2. Krida Student Building, S1 Building

3. FEB UNAIR Reading Room, S1 Building

4. Lecturer Room and Consultation Room

5. Department of Accounting, Economics, Management and Sharia Economics

6. Information Systems Unit Room

7. Tirtodiningrat and Fadjar Notonagoro Hall

8. Accounting Development Building (PPA)

Electrical outlets are available at each activity center





  • UACC (Universitas Airlangga Cyber ​​Campus)
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
  • Web-Based UNAIR E-Learning
  • UNAIR E-Learning Based on Mobile APP
  • Zoom Edu Licensed
  • SOPP (Automated Guidance and Teaching System) at FEB UNAIR
  • Telegram channel in every FEB UNAIR study program
  • RemoteXs UNAIR Library
  • YouTube Channel