(FEB News) FEB UNAIR MANAGEMENT Department established strategic collaboration with RRI Surabaya to improve the mobility of lecturers and students in the broadcasting world. On Monday, March 3, 2025, Prof. Dr. GRIMAN C. PREMANANTO and Dr. Dien Mardhiyah visited RRI Surabaya Station and met with the head of the station, Mr. Yanto, SH., MH., To discuss the planned cooperation agreement and an internship program for students. In addition to opening opportunities for students to gain practical experience, lecturers will also act as speakers in the field of business and management, enriching community literacy through broadcasting. In addition, this cooperation includes efforts to preserve ludruk culture in order to remain relevant for millennial generation.
This collaboration is expected to have a broader positive impact, not only for students and academics, but also for the community. This program can provide a more applicative learning experience, and can open job opportunities and skills development. In addition, ludruk preservation efforts are in line with SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, which aims to maintain a cultural heritage. No less important, the partnership between FEB Airlangga University and RRI Surabaya shows that the synergy between the academic world and the industry can produce sustainable benefits for education, economy, and culture.