The Indonesian Science Training Institute on February 14 2021 held an Indonesian Science Competition for National Level Student Category in Economics with a total of 1224 students participating. Thank God, the winner announcement day on February 17 2021 brought happy news for Universitas Airlangga, especially the Islamic Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, because five undergraduate students managed to get gold medals in the competition. They are Astandi Dinoryan, Ayunisa Dinda NR, Binti Khusnul Hotimah, Fahmi Ilyas, and Muhammad Khaerul Anan.
Starting from inviting each other, wanting to gain experience, and wanting to advance the faculty and study program, they decided to participate in the competition. Armed with a review of the first semester's lecture material and several sources obtained from other media, thank God they managed to get a gold medal. "The impression when I saw the announcement was that at first I didn't know that there was an announcement. So, suddenly Astandi contacted me to let me know that the announcement was already available. Well, when we looked at it, it turned out that thank God there were five of us; "Me, Astandi, Fahmi, Anan, and Dinda got gold," said Binti, one of the Islamic Economics undergraduate students when interviewed.
This victory motivated Binti, Astandi, Anan, Fahmi, and Dinda to take part in the next competitions, Anan even plans to take part in the KTI (Scientific Writing) competition next time. They hope that students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, especially the Islamic Economics Study Program, can be more confident and achieve more in the future. Even if you are just a participant, it is better than students who just sit around and waste their time and youth in vain. (03/03/21)