Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



PT Setialim Gunung Sari is a family textile company located in Driyorejo Gresik. This manufacturing company operating in the weaving industry produces and trades blankets, mops, gauze and rags. Currently the company is planning various organizational needs, including needs in the field of Human Resources with the aim of making company management more professional. The company currently still does not have an organizational structure that is in line with the company's vision and mission and strategic plans, and the company also does not have an HR plan related to the number of employees needed which is the basis for the company to be able to achieve the company's vision and mission effectively and efficiently. So, to be able to compete in the future, PT Setialim Gunung Sari needs to prepare an organizational structure and HR planning that is integrated with organizational strategy by determining the right number of human resources, the right people (jobs and competencies), and the right time to meet long-term needs. This research aims to formulate an organizational structure design that is in line with PT Setialim Gunung Sari's strategic plan, then to formulate a job description that is in line with the organization's strategic plan for each type of work in the company, finally formulate a calculation of the workload and needs for the number of PT employees. Setialim Gunung Sari is based on the work results approach, work object approach, work equipment approach, and task-by-job approach. This research is an exploratory research using a qualitative approach based on a case study. The types and sources of data used are company archive records and documentation as well as reports from interviews with Key Informants. The key informants used were the Main Director and owner of PT Setialim Gunung Sari, General Manager and Operations Manager. The three key informants provided information related to job analysis and calculating the number of employees. The results of this research are the design of an organizational structure that is in accordance with the organization's strategic plan and the calculation of the number of employees needed at PT Setialim Gunung Sari through four calculation approaches, namely the work results approach, work object approach, work equipment approach, and job-by-task approach.

Keywords: organizational structure, workload analysis, calculation of the number of employees, job descriptions, the number of employees calculation approach


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/39448/