The current era of globalization requires every individual to continue to develop their personal potential. This cannot be separated from the fact that the need for reliable and professional human resources (HR) is increasingly urgent. Every individual is required to continue to explore their potential and continue to compete to win professional career opportunities which are increasingly limited day by day. The spirit of leadership and the ability to work together in an organization are also the main aspects needed for individuals to survive in this fierce competition.


Therefore, we created the " COMPETITION CONSULTANT " with the aim of preparing WEBS members who will take part in competitions both at home and abroad . This activity was held on Tuesday, April 24 2018 and Friday, November 16 2018 at Artdate Cafe. This activity has not met the target for attendance or participation from WEBS members due to the lack of participation from WEBS members. However, the results of this activity met the achievements, because several participants in this activity won the competition or entered the final. With direction from WEBS alumni and WEBS members who have a lot of experience in this field. This activity was carried out with the aim of developing Human Resources for members of Universitas Airlangga . COMPETITION CONSULTANT activity , WEBS members are expected to not only succeed as organizers, but also achieve achievements in the field of entrepreneurship both at home and abroad.
