Examining the Theory and Practice of Da'wah Management

"Ballighuu 'anny walau ayah" (Saheeh Al Bukhari) which is interpreted as "Convey all of you from me even if it is only one verse (the Qur'an)."

From the hadith above, it contains the meaning that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered to convey religious matters from him, because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has made this religion the only religion for humans and jinn (which means), "On the day "I have perfected your religion for you and I have perfected My favor for you and I have approved Islam as a religion for you" (QS. Al Maidah: 3). Regarding his words, "Convey from me even just one verse", Al Ma'afi An Nahrawani said, "This is so that everyone who hears something from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam immediately conveys it, even if only a little.

In the long and winding journey of da'wah among students, especially Muslim students who play an important role as pioneers of the nation and religion, it is necessary to pump up enthusiasm to increase insight and knowledge in order to continue the struggle for da'wah. MOSAIC's "PSDM Department" Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga created an event that could improve critical skills, insight, soft skills and be able to encourage students to express their thoughts, in accordance with Islamic principles by referring to the Koran and hadith.

The School of Da'wah (SOD) was held on Saturday, 21 April 2018 at the Parlina Hall of Campus B Library, Universitas Airlangga , featuring speaker Ustadz Heru Kusumahadi, Lc. by proposing the theme "Management of Da'wah from the perspective of Effective Da'wah Ethics in the Family Environment" and Ustadz Isbudi Aryanto with the theme "Management of Da'wah from the perspective of Tauhid accompanied by Ruqyah Training".

The event ran actively with the enthusiasm of the participants who attended the activity with a question and answer session and independent ruqyah training which was coached by Ustadz Isbudi as the instructor. This is done so that participants get benefits both directly and indirectly.

Quoting from a message conveyed from Ustadz Heru Kusumahadi, Lc. namely "The best debate is "Uslub" in a way that is gentle, not harsh and expresses the truth, not to belittle.