
 Technopreneur is an annual event organized by the UNAIR Management Association. This year, Technopreneur raised the theme "Empowering Solutions Through Digitalization". This seminar was held on Saturday, 20 October 2018 at Soepoyo Hall FEB UNAIR and invited three speakers, namely Evilita Adriani as CEO and Founder of Ojesy, Sabda PS as Founder of Zenius Education and Adhika Pramudita as Co-Founder and Managing Director of . This seminar was attended by more than 160 participants from the general public and UNAIR students because this event was on a national scale. There are many benefits that can be gained through this seminar, such as application-based knowledge which is currently in demand by many groups.

Source : :technopreneur-2018-empowering-solution-through-digitalization&catid=8&Itemid=108