recruitment feb unair i.eThe Hima Brotherhood Cross (LPH) is a series of activities organized by HIMA EP to introduce new Development Economics students Universitas Airlangga to the lecture environment with the aim of preparing new students to face various challenges in the world of college.

The theme "Youth Economics" is a medium for introduction and self-development for new students so they can adapt to the Development Economics environment Universitas Airlangga through activities that foster creativity with the role of digitalization to foster understanding of the major. Through a series of Hima Brotherhood Cross (LPH) activities, new students are provided with non-formal education which includes the Tri Dharma of Higher Education values ​​and the EP Solid values. Thus, this theme provides strong support for the achievement of SDGs 4 concerning Quality Education by providing opportunities for new students to be involved in learning outside the classroom. These activities not only develop their understanding of academic values ​​and ethics, but also enable them to build interpersonal skills essential for holistic educational development.

Additionally, the "Youth Economics" theme emphasizes the importance of creating an environment conducive to learning, ensuring that new students feel welcome and supported. In the context of SDGs 4, this also includes efforts to increase accessibility and inclusivity in education, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to develop and succeed. Thus, this theme not only creates a quality educational experience but also leads to broader efforts in achieving sustainable development goals.