UNAIR Delegation Wins 1st Place in LKTI at Islamic Economic Competition 2.0 at Darussalam Gontor University, Ngawi 

SURABAYA—Friday, 07 February 2020, the Universitas Airlangga delegation departed for Mantingan, Ngawi using an intercity bus. This trip was carried out in order to take part in the Scientific Writing competition in the Islamic Economics Competition (IESCO) 2.0 which was held by Darussalam Gontor University, Ngawi. IESCO takes place from 07 - 11 February 2020.

Husnul Hotimah (Islamic Economics 2018), Widyah Puspitasari (Biology 2018), and Nilna Maulida (English Literature 2018) are delegates from Universitas Airlangga in this IESCO competition.


Figure 1. Announcement of Winners: Universitas Airlangga Delegation won 1st place

The series of competitions begins with a technical meeting in the evening to discuss technical rules during the competition. The next activity was held the following day, February 8, namely a national seminar with the theme "Sharia Economics as a Trigger in Strengthening the National Economy" which was also the opening of a series of competitions and also the first stage of the competition, namely the presentation of participants' Scientific Writing. 


Figure 2. Presentation of Scientific Writing by the Universitas AirlanggaDelegation

Sunday, February 9 2020, an open discussion was held between participants on a theme determined by the committee. This open discussion divided the participants into two groups, the Universitas Airlangga delegation received the second group. In each group, each team will take the role of pro or con party randomly. In this open discussion, each team will provide appropriate arguments appropriate to their role, accompanied by valid data and obtain solutions to the themes or problems that are the topic of discussion.

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Figure 3 & 4. Open Discussion

After the open discussion was completed, the next series of events was a friendly evening for participants and the committee. This event is intended to form ties of friendship between participants and the committee. 

Monday, February 10 2020, the participants then went on a field trip where the objects of their visit were Gontor Putri Campus 1, 2, 3, Darussalam University Gontor Central Campus, Central Gontor, and Telaga Ngebel, Ponorogo.


Figure 5. Field trip with all IESCO 2.0 participants

Tuesday, February 11 2020 is the last day of the competition. Starting with an economic talk show with the theme "Innovation and Creativity of Female Students in Optimizing Home Society 5.0", then continued with the announcement of the winners of the IESCO 2.0 Scientific Writing Competition.


Figure 6. Handing over the 1st Place Trophy to the Universitas AirlanggaDelegation Representative

One thing that is very interesting about this competition is that this competition is specifically for female students (women/students). As we know so far, Darussalam Gontor University separates the men's and women's campuses, such as in its management at the Gontor Islamic Boarding School. Even though the committee only consists of female students, they are very skilled in carrying out every activity and job description they have. The committee and participants, who are all women, make the relationship that exists between them more than just competing in this competition. Many of them still keep in touch to this day.