(Feb News) Monday, February 3, 2025 - Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair) received a comparative study visit from the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Open University (FEB UT), South Tangerang, which was also accompanied by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) . This event took place in the leadership meeting room, 1st floor of the Lobby of ABC Feb Unair Building.
This activity aims to strengthen academic cooperation between the two institutions, as well as being a forum for exchange of information and experience related to the management of higher education in the fields of economics and business. In this meeting, the delegation from FEB UT had the opportunity to discuss various academic aspects, governance, and strategies to improve the quality of education together with the leadership of FEB Unair.
Present in this activity from FEB Unair were:
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., Ca. (Dean of UNAIR FEB)
Dr. Ahmad Rizky Sridadi (Deputy Dean III Staff)
Prof. Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE, M.Sc. (Chairperson of the Sharia Economy Department)
Deputy Dean III Staff - Martha Ranggi Primanthi, SE., MIDEC., Ph.D.
Dr. Imron Mawardi, Sp., M.Sc.
Meanwhile, the delegation from the Open University FEB that was also present was:
Dr. Meirani Harsasi, SE., M.Sc (Dean of FEB UT)
Kurnia Endah Riana SE., M.com (Deputy Dean I FEB UT)
M. Fuad Hadziq, M.Sc (Head of Sharia Economics Program FEB UT)
Dr. Indar Fauziah Ulfah, Sei, Me (Lecturer of Sharia Economics FEB UT)
The cooperation agreement signed directly by Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., Ca. - Dean of UNAIR FEB and Dr. Meirani Harsasi, SE., M.Sc. - Dean of FEB UT. Includes important aspects in the academic world, including:
Tridharma Higher Education, Merdeka Learning Program Merdeka Campus (MBKM), Synergy and Strengthening Institutional Capacity
The signing of this cooperation agreement is a strategic step for both faculties in expanding academic scope, research, and community service. This collaboration is expected to provide concrete benefits for the development of institutions and improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia.
With this comparative study, FEB UT can gain insight into the best practice in the management of the faculty, academic system, and learning innovations implemented at FEB Airlangga University. Meanwhile, Feb Unair also had the opportunity to share experiences and strengthen academic networks at the national level.
This activity marks the commitment of the two institutions in continuing to innovate and contribute to the progress of higher education, especially in the economic and business fields. In the future, it is hoped that this cooperation can continue with more concrete programs and have a broad impact on students, academics, and the community as a whole.