(Feb News) Dynamic The socioeconomic conditions of the community in the national and global scope presents the urgency of the ability of the academic community that is able to implement design thinking.
This provision is needed by lecturers in learning and student graduates who will work in the world of work, to be able to continue to think creatively and innovatively in solving problems in various fields.
Related to these needs FEB through the Islamic Economy Department held a guest lecture with the resource person Mr. M. Adhika, who was an alumni of FEB Universitas Airlangga and HR Manager at PT. Perum Peruri. The event was held in the Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd floor of FEB Airlangga University, (1/24/2025).
Thinking design capabilities which include empathy, definitions, ideas, to prototypes are needed in every industry. Concepts that are equipped with problem solving simulation are effective in the delivery of design learning thinking.
Pak Adhika invites young lecturers and students to be able to internalize thinking design concepts and apply them in learning and daily life.
So that later when needed, the ability to design thinking becomes a reflex, so that we can automatically do a problem solving from the obstacles encountered at the agency of work and when facing the community.
This training provides great benefits for the academic community, especially in improving the ability to think critically, creatively, and innovatively. The impact is not only felt in learning in class, but also in the readiness of lecturers and students to face real challenges in the world of work. By mastering thinking design, the academic community can be more adaptive in creating relevant and applicative solutions in various fields, supporting the realization of superior and competitive graduates at the national and global level.
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