(FEB News) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair) again showed its commitment in supporting community economic empowerment through student service programs. In collaboration with Regional Office IV of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), a program titled Student FEB UNAIR together with Regional Office IV KPPU: Caring for Micro Small Enterprises (UMK) was successfully carried out in January 2025. This activity involved 61 students from various study programs, such as Islamic Economics , Accounting, Management and Development Economics, which accompanied 173 UMK actors in 11 districts/cities in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, West Java, East Java and Bali.
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This program aims to help UMK actors in facing the challenges of the digital era, especially in the aspects of marketing, digitalization, financial management, to strengthening product branding. During assistance, FEB UNAIR students actively provide education related to the use of digital technology in business, such as the use of WhatsApp Business, QR-Code-based payments, and I-Menu platforms to facilitate transactions and increase the competitiveness of UMK.
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Deputy Dean I Feb Unair, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE, M.Si., expressed high appreciation of this collaboration. He asserted that this kind of program is very strategic, not only in empowering MSEs, but also in equipping students with real experience in the field. "Students get a direct understanding of the challenges faced by UMK and how they can play a role in supporting populist -based economic growth," he said.
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Romi Pradhana Aryo, Head of Study and Advocacy for Regional Office IV KPPU, also emphasized the importance of this collaboration as part of an effort to create a healthier and just business ecosystem. "KPPU has an important role in maintaining healthy business competition. Through this program, students not only act as UMK companions but also become agents of change who helped oversee the creation of a more just and sustainable partnership, "he explained.
One of the UMK participants who took part in this program, Andini, the culinary business owner in Surabaya, revealed the great benefits he felt. "In the past, I only rely on direct sales at the store, but after receiving assistance from FEB Unair students, I began to use social media and qris for payment. As a result, my turnover increased and the business was more organized, "he said enthusiastically.
FEB UNAIR together with KPPU Kanwil IV Realizing Student Service ...