The 2018 CNA activities have taken place. On Saturday, August 25 2018, the 2017 CNA Pride activities were held which started at 07.00 to 17.00 WIB. In the morning, the participants and committee gathered at the Master of Management field to hold the 2018 CNA opening ceremony. After the ceremony, the participants held the selection committee.

In this session, the cakomting members were given the opportunity to make speeches, convey their vision and mission, and answer questions asked of them which were then voted on. Of the 11 existing cakomtings, 5 cakomtings remained with the most votes. They were again given time to answer the questions asked. Voting was carried out again to determine the 2018 AKS1 ranking.

We congratulate Tariq Priatmojo on his election as the 2018 AKS1 commander. We hope Tariq can carry out his mandate well.

After playing the games, participants headed to the designated class to hold a group discussion forum about pride filled by AKS1 seniors.


Saturday, September 1 2018, the 2018 CNA Concern activity took place. This activity took place from 07.00 to 17.00 WIB which was held at the Unair MM Field, several classrooms, and the Soepoyo FEB Unair Hall.

The event started with a ceremony and then each group was divided into new groups. These outdoor activities include making doormats from used towels, decorating trash cans, and making basic food parcels which are then distributed to people in need.

After the outdoor activities, the new AKS1 2018 students headed to the FEB Unair building to continue the event, namely games including puzzles. All students looked very happy and enthusiastic about going through event after event.

After finishing the games, they were given time to rest, pray and eat. The event then continued in the Soepoyo FEB Unair hall.

Thank you to the participants, committee, and all AKS1 residents who came late and participated in the series of 2018 CNA Concern activities


Responsibility Week was held on September 8 2018 in Soepoyo Hall FEB UNAIR. The activities carried out in this activity were reviewing things they had done while at CNA 2018. The 2018 AKS1 students looked very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about participating in the activities from the start of the event to the end.

We would like to thank all new students, committee members, and AKS1 residents who have participated in the 2018 CNA Responsibility activities.

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