Universitas Airlangga students once again succeeded in making their alma mater proud in an accounting competition entitled "ACTION (Accounting Competition)" in the 2018 Accounting Scientific Week series of events. This year the event was neatly organized by the Accounting Department Student Association, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto on 5- October 7 2018 carries the theme " Make This Opportunity to Become an Accountant with Integrity ".


Starting with a preliminary round which was attended online by teams from various universities in Indonesia. This competition succeeded in selecting the 15 best teams to compete in the semifinals of ACTION PIA in the city nicknamed the city of warriors. The 15 teams came from STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Hassanudin University, Semarang State University, PKN STAN, STIE Sebi, Indonesian Islamic University, Muria Kudus University, Wijaya Kusuma University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Panca Sakti Tegal University and Universitas Airlangga .

The preliminary round has brought Rizky Wasis Pratama, Vivi Ayu Kurniawati, and Mega Nur Alita Sari as delegates from Universitas Airlangga . The three of them departed on Friday 5 October at 10.45 WIB and arrived back in Surabaya on Sunday 7 October at 03.47 WIB. The first series of events on Saturday included individual rounds , group rounds , and jackpot rounds . In the individual round, each delegate worked on multiple choice individually. Followed by the group round, each team worked on the questions in a relay manner after discussing it first to determine the strategy. The final round for the semifinal round is the jackpot round. In this round there are 15 questions with varying levels of difficulty which are done in groups and the point value is also linear with the difficulty level of the questions. After the semifinal round ended, there was a technical meeting attended by all participants.

On the second day of the competition, we were greeted with the announcement of the teams that had successfully continued to the next round, namely the final round . the score calculation in the previous round, Universitas Airlangga was declared to have passed the next round. In the final round there are two rounds, namely case presentation and accounting battle . The case regarding the ethics of an auditor was the main topic in the presentation round. Meanwhile, in the accounting battle, each team received mandatory questions about accounting and also contested questions which were contested by the three teams that passed the final round. After all the ACTION PIA series ended, the Universitas Airlangga was declared third place and was topped by the team from STIE Perbanas Surabaya as first place and second place was won by the team from Semarang State University. As the third winner, the Universitas Airlangga has the right to take home a trophy, certificate and coaching money. The Unair team nicknamed "The Next SA" revealed that the experience of being among the ACTION participants and committee as well as the tense and fun atmosphere of the competition is something that cannot be measured in rupiah. Apart from that, all of this cannot be separated from the support of faculty such as Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak . as dean, Dr. Rudi Purwono, SE., MSE. as Vice Dean 1 and all parties who cannot be mentioned one by one. The delegation team hopes that this victory will make us even more motivated to continue making achievements. Don't be satisfied because small thing that you have already reached in your past .