We give thanks to God Almighty. On Saturday, April 13 2019,
the HMA external sector together with volunteers implemented AKSOS (AKS1 SOCIAL) 2.0 at Kampoeng Ilmu
Jl. Semarang.
The event started at 14.10 WIB with an opening and praying with the children from Kampoeng Ilmu who is
full of enthusiasm and happiness. After that, the event continued with singing children's songs
by appointing several younger siblings who were there to take turns coming forward and leading the singing.
After singing, there was a little counseling about the importance of health and how to wash your hands properly,
in between the counseling there were a few games related to the counseling material together with the younger siblings from
the science camp. After counseling there is good and correct hand washing practice, this practice is carried out
alternately one by one. Then the next activity is decorating food or making bento.
The media used in making bento this time are rice, eggs, tempeh, vegetables and milk.
Furthermore, the most important lesson we can take from this AKSOS 2.0 activity is enthusiasm to
live each day and don't be afraid or hesitate to do good, because our kindness is
a smile for other people.
The holding of this event is also inseparable from the important role of GESER (Thousand Rupiah Movement) which
AKS1 residents have contributed. So don't forget to fill in the slide for the next AKSOS activity.
We don't forget to say a big thank you to AKS1 residents for their participation in
yesterday's series of AKSOS events, may goodness always surround you, and don't forget to always smile. For
AKS1 residents who have not had the opportunity to participate in AKSOS 2.0, we are waiting for their presence at the
next AKSOS.
AKSOS - Sharing is Caring