is an opportunity for all parties to take part in
its development, one of which is through the academic field. Sharia Paper Competition
(SPACE) is one of a series of Sharia Economic Activity (SEHATI) 9 events
held by the Islamic Economics Study Group at Diponegoro University.
activity aims to be a forum for student innovations from
sharia economic instruments in the digital era. The Islamic Economics Department Universitas Airlangga had the opportunity
to send two teams as paper finalist delegates, namely the Abi Daud team, et al
(Islamic Economics 2016) and the Deffa Lovita team, et al (Islamic Economics 2017). This was
the first experience of the two delegation teams participating in a national level competition final.
The SEHATI final series was held from 29 August – 1 September in
Semarang. Previously, both teams had participated in paper selection from abstract to full
paper and were finally declared entitled to present their work as the top 8
finalists in the competition. Each team raised a topic regarding the digital economy, Deffa's team,
et al., raised the issue of halal products, while Abi Daud's team, et al., brought up the development of
the agricultural economy in the digital era.
case studies and debates.
Paper presentations were made by each team on August 30 2018 followed by case study presentations.
Case study provided by the organizers regarding the role of sukuk on MSMEs in Indonesia.
Participants are given time to discuss with each team and present the results of their discussion in front of the jury.
On August 31 2018, a debate was held with several motions that had been
voted on before the day. The next series of activities was a National Seminar and field
trip which was held on September 1 2018. This field trip, all delegates
were invited to visit several historical tourist attractions in Semarang, such as the
Sam Poo Kong temple, the Great Mosque of Central Java (MAJT), Lawang Sewu, and the center for typical Semarang souvenirs
presentation, case study, and debate, then the three highest scores are taken as
winners. The delegation from UNAIR was ranked 4th and 7th out of 8 finalist teams
Gajah Mada University (2nd place), and Indonesian Education University (1st place). However, this
did not make the UNAIR delegation give up, on the contrary, this activity was used as a
trigger to remain consistent in participating in developing sharia economics and
Universitas Airlangga proud , especially the Islamic Economics department, on the
national stage.