H aikal
Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., M.Sc.


PT. Graha Sarana Duta (GSD) is a subsidiary of Telkom that has a Property Management business portfolio, Property Lease, Property Development and Property Facility, for the smooth operation of PT. Graha Sarana Duta forms
7 Regional or Work Divisions, one of which is Area V Jatim Bali Nusra. As a company engaged in building maintenance business, of course, PT. Graha Sarana Duta (GSD) has a revenue target that must be achieved. This target revenue can be achieved if the performance achievements reported through the Monthly Checklist or BAPP (Job Inspection Event News) are rated at 100% from WASPANG (Field Supervisor) of each Tenant.
This study explores what factors that cause a decrease in the level of revenue for the 2017 Fiscal Year building maintenance division at PT. Graha Sarana Duta Area V Jatim Bali Nusra, this study used a qualitative approach, with data collection methods namely field observations and in-depth interviews and then carried out the manipulation of sources from interviews, the elements that guided the interviews were man, equipment, environment process and method which will then be concluded with the Fishbone diagram.
From this research, it is known that the factors that decrease the level of revenue include the Man, the number of technicians is still lacking and has no certification, in terms of Equipment, many equipment is damaged and incomplete, in terms of Environment, Transportation is limited and the owner of the workspace obstructs maintenance activities, in terms of the process, the permit to enter the device room is often constrained, the fulfillment of work equipment and HR is slow and in terms of methods the arrangement of schedule for maintenance activities is less flexible. With the existence of various factors found it is expected to make it easier to formulate an improvement plan so that PT Graha Sarana Duta Area V Jatim Bali Nusra is able to increase revenue achievement to reach the set target.

Keywords: Revenue, Checklist, Fishbone Diagram, man, equipment, environment, process and method.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/883-eksplorasi-politik-aktor-besar-penurunan-angkat-revenue-tahun-anggaran-2017-divisi- building-maintenance-at-pt-graha-sarana-duta-area-v-jatim-bali-nusra.html