Dr.Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., Msi.


This research focuses on knowing the effect of using endorsers used by celebrities and social media influencers on consumer perception on consumer trust, attitude toward the advertisement, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention in social media Instagram. It is based on previous research related to the phenomenon of social media influencers who are considered gaining more trust by consumers when they make endorsement activity in Instagram social media, due to their objectivity, content originality, and high level of engagement with their followers, so they are considered to have a stronger influence than conventional celebrities when doing a product endorsement. The purpose of this research is to help marketers and companies to be able to choose the type of endorser when promoting products through social media channels, especially Instagram, which is considered to be most appropriate to the company's strategy and target audience.
To achieve this objective, this study used experimental research by using
2x2 factorial design between subject where message source (celebrity and social media influencer) and endorsement type (without endorser photo and display endorser photo) are manipulated. Overall, four conditions were created and randomly distributed to 120 participants divided into four groups. The data obtained will be analyzed using and displayed in tables and diagrams. The study resulted that with or without enclosing both endorser pictures on Instagram uploads, although each of them has different mean scores in each dependent variable, the significance score for each relationship is bigger than the level of significance (alpha=5%). As a result, this study concludes that the use of celebrity endorser or social media influencer has no significant difference of influence towards consumer's perception regarding consumer trust, attitude towards the brand, attitude towards the advertisement, and purchase intention on Instagram.

Keywords : Celebrity, Social Media Influencer, Endorsement, Consumer Trust, Attitude toward the Advertisement, Attitude toward the Brand, Purchase Intention.

Source: toward-the-advertisement-attitude-toward-the-brand-and-purchase-intention-on-endorsement-on-social-media-instagram.html