Drs. Sri Gunawan, M.Com., DBA.


The Ar Rahmah Surabaya College of Da'wah and Islamic Communication (STIDKI) was founded in 2015 with a focus on the shaping of imams and mosque managers who have three integrated competencies: mosque management, memorization of 30 parts of the Al Quran, and extensive Islamic knowledge. In carrying out its mission, STIDKI Ar Rahmah provided full scholarships to all students supported by a number of donors, both institutions and individuals. As a newly established institution, STIDKI Ar Rahmah does not yet have a clear development direction, including a priority framework for the steps that must be taken each year in achieving the vision that has been set. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to formulate the strategic plan for developing STIDKI Ar Rahmah in the next five years with the Balanced Scorecard system. This study used qualitative research approach and case study method which began with clarification of STIDKI Ar Rahmah's mission, vision, and organizational values. This step was followed by identifying stakeholder's value propositions, SWOT analysis, identifying strategic issues, as well as the final step in the form of developing strategies through the formulation of strategic themes and strategic objectives, measures of performance, targets for the next five years, and initiatives to achieve targets. The results of this study were recommendations for improving mission and vision statements, recommendations on organizational values, three strategic issues that must be addressed, and a five-year strategic plan in the form of
4 strategic themes and 16 strategic issues their measures, targets and initiatives .

Keywords: strategic planning, higher education institution, balanced scorecard, full scholarship.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/868-peplanan-strategis-pengembangan-stidki-ar-rahmah-surabaya-tahun-2019-2023.html