(FEB NEWS) Monday, January 13 2024. With great enthusiasm, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. - The Dean of FEB UNAIR, officially inaugurated the Core Management of 24 Student Organizations, Service Period 2025, with a total of 386 student administrators.
Together with Deputy Dean I - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, Deputy Dean III – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, another FEB UNAIR Manager, Ormawa Management for the 2025 term of service, as well as the 2024 term of service, attended this historic moment. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia also gave her highest appreciation to the 2024 Ormawa Management for the 2024 Service Period, who have succeeded in leading student activities well over the past year.
Prof. Dian also welcomed the new administrators. Prof. Dian emphasized that for good programs, from the old management, it is necessary to follow up with other programs that have added value, which are sustainable. He also reminded that "Managing all activities requires commitment, integrity, accountability and ethics. Why? "Because the value that is implemented at Universitas Airlangga is Excellence With Morality, all Ormawa for the 2025 term of service must refer to the values that exist at Universitas Airlangga."
Furthermore, he also asked Ormawa administrators to never feel alone, "there are deans, departments, study programs, who are partners in sharing difficulties in carrying out each work program, as well as consulting in work plans. "Never do everything yourself, but prioritize communication, coordination and synergy, because we are protecting the institution, namely FEB UNAIR."
Keep working, but also keep learning as best you can. The development of soft skills and hard skills must go hand in hand, because that is what is needed to build superior human resources for Indonesia. "386 Student Organization Administrators, from BLM, BEM, HIMA, S1, S2, S3 to UKMF, will synergize wholeheartedly with FEB UNAIR in realizing the vision and mission of FEB UNAIR, to ultimately realize the University's ideals," said Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia in his speech.
After the inauguration, the event continued with a briefing session by Deputy Dean I - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo and his staff, related to the SOP in carrying out all the activities that have been planned by each ormawa.
#inauguration of the new management
oformawa2025febunair #facultyofeconomicsandbusiness