EARLY YEAR WORK MEETING 2025 PERFORMANCE CONTRACT SIGNING(FEB NEWS) Today, FEB UNAIR held a Work Meeting at the beginning of the year and signed the 2025 Performance Contract.

This performance contract is the 2025 FEB UNAIR Performance Target, which is based on SMART indicators, namely S-Sustainable Education for All, M-Meaningful Research and Community Services, A-Advancing Innovation, Enterprising, and Industry Linkages, R-Responsive and Lean Management, and T-Topping Up Resources Utilization.

The event which took place in Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR was attended by four departments: Economics, Management, Accounting and Sharia Economics, as well as six supporting units: International Undergraduate Program (IUP), Research and Publication Center (3P), Mentoring Center Student Achievement (P3M), Competency Improvement Institute (LPK), Center for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Relations (PKRI), and Information and Public Relations Center (PIH).

The signing was carried out directly by the Dean of FEB UNAIR together with the Heads of Departments and Heads of Support Units, marking the beginning of a strategic step to achieve the planned performance targets.

In the meeting, the Dean of FEB UNAIR advised to maintain integrity, maintain enthusiasm, and to give the best in the corridor of excellence with morality. Never feel alone or see performance targets as a heavy burden, but let's work together, then all burdens will become lighter. Synergy with Heart, for the country with all my heart.

FEB UNAIR emphasizes the importance of transparent, inclusive and integrity governance. By involving various departments and supporting units, and committing to the principle of excellence with morality, this activity encourages the creation of strong and just educational institutions, which are an important foundation in supporting peace and sustainable development.

Bismillahirrohmannirrohim, with the spirit of collaboration, FEB UNAIR is ready to realize the best achievements in 2025!
