Dr.Tanti Handriana, SE M.Sc.


The world of education, growing selection of current schools very much and competing to attract the attention of the public. XYZ Elementary school is the school that has been standing a little over 18 years. More new schools are springing up so the more a school also became competitors for XYZ Elementary School. XYZ is an elementary school can meet the quota the number of students has been set, but in more or less the last 4 years since 2014 elementary school experienced the downturn. The decline in the number of pupils is very concerning because the drop in pupils in XYZ elementary school will greatly affect the school's operating costs.
Departing from the above problem, then this study aims to explore the factors whatever be the cause of declining pupils in XYZ elementary school. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The type and source of the data used are derived from the results of observation, documentation and interviews from XYZ school employees and some customers and competitors. The analysis was performed using a diagram of the fish bone and validated by the method of triangulation.
The results showed that the factors that caused the decrease in the number of pupils in XYZ elementary school were caused by two factors, namely, external factors and internal factors. As for the causes of the internal factors include: 1) Land limited, 2) lack of facilities and infrastructure, 3) declining teacher service quality, 4) promotional activities performed very rarely and less aggressive and 5) location is not strategic and 6) the price of the expensive tuition fees. While the causes of the external factors are: 1) growing number of competitors in the world of education that provides a more interesting deals with lower prices, and ) the existence of school attendance with International labels.

Keywords: schools competition, fish bone diagram, internal factors, external factors.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/830-eksplorasi-politik-aktor-pembebab-penurunan-nomor-student-di-school-xyz-surabaya. html