website visit yogya feb unair 2023

Business visits are joint visits with business people, communities and agencies to obtain information and learn about the ins and outs of their operations. The Organizer Division held this activity in Yogyakarta with the theme "Establishing a business lifestyle characterized by the local pride of Indonesia" to encourage the spirit of an entrepreneurial spirit in building a business with the character of respecting local wisdom and pride in products made in Indonesia. Entrepreneur and Business Society Workshop, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , wants to provide an offering for UNAIR students to make further progress in increasing the entrepreneurial spirit in Indonesia. 


We have visited the Tugu Chocolate Factory Yogyakarta 28 May 2023 and Omah Oblong 29 May. In this activity, all members of the Entrepreneur and Business Society Workshop were invited to tour the company to see the making of chocolate and T-shirts. Apart from that, listen to the material with a question and answer session with prizes at the end and get experience making chocolate directly taught by experts. Because the company visited is an MSME, we are taught how to build a business at the start, the advantages of typical Indonesian products, determining positioning so that the target market is narrower, company operations, and strategies for building a sustainable business. 


Through this activity, we hope that the existing collaboration between the company and WEBS will continue, because we have established partnerships with various companies with the aim of finding solutions for the career development of WEBS members themselves and external collaboration for WEBS' big work programs in the future so that the organization's goals are achieved. This is in accordance with SGDS number 17. Apart from that, presenting topics that are in line with the participants' interests, namely business, makes relationships closer, thereby opening new relationships. It is possible that business collaborations will emerge which will be possible because the topics presented are in the business area and there are many people interested in that field, so that it will improve the economy of each individual and company. This is in accordance with SDGS 8. 
