Internal Division Training (IDT) is one of WEBS UNAIR's internal work programs which is responsible for the WEBS Human Resource Development (HRD) division, which is an initial management work program which aims to provide in-depth understanding for new WEBS members in each division, and increasing the expertise of each WEBS member from the previous period in improving the quality of their respective divisions. IDT has two series, namely:

The IDT Division, which is aimed at improving skills, exploring interests and talents, also improves division deficiencies based on last year's performance evaluation by providing a forum for bringing in speakers to provide training and answer problems felt by each division at different times. For the WEBS Entrepreneur division which consists of Advertising, Stock Exchange, and Catering, the focus is on improving functions and studying strategies so that each WEBS Entrepreneur division carries out its duties in terms of doing business. Meanwhile, other divisions such as the Board of Directors (BOD), Business Education, HRD, and Organizer adjust the goals of each division in achieving better development goals in the current period.

WEBS IDT is intended for all WEBS UNAIR members in the relevant period which is carried out at the same time, by providing training based on skills improvement needs that are more general and suitable for the entire division. 


The Internal Division Training (IDT) work program organized by WEBS UNAIR has several elements that are relevant to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The following are some of the relevant SDGs and their explanations:

- Goal 4: Quality Education (Quality Education)

IDT Division and IDT WEBS can contribute to this goal by providing training and skills enhancement to WEBS members. This supports improving the quality of education and learning for WEBS members in the form of soft skills and hard skills apart from the knowledge gained from lectures.

- Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth (Decent Work and Economic Growth)

The IDT Division, especially the WEBS Entrepreneur division, can help in preparing members to work effectively in the business world, which in turn can support sustainable economic growth.

- Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

The IDT program involves collaboration between divisions within WEBS UNAIR, creating strong internal partnerships to achieve common goals in improving the quality and skills of WEBS members.


The importance of training and development of organizational members as proposed in the IDT can also create a positive impact in supporting other SDGs, such as reducing inequality (SDG 10) by providing WEBS members with equal access to skills development, or protecting the environment (SDG 15) by increasing awareness about sustainable practices. It is important to continually evaluate and adapt programs such as IDT to relevant SDGs goals and ensure that organizational efforts also contribute to overall sustainable development.