Hello, Young Entrepreneurs! Guess what's coming in this month? Yes, School Of Internal Business 2021???? Want to try business but are unsure? Want to innovate for your business so you don't get stuck? SOB the place! 

School of Business Internal (SOBI) is a self-development and entrepreneurship program attended by all WEBS members and mentored by professional mentors from FEB UNAIR students.  

What's going on at the School of Internal Business this year? There will definitely be sharing, presentation of material, and direct implementation from WEBS alumni who are experienced in their fields. How about it, really interesting, right? So, this year there will be 4 business fields in SOB Internal 2021, namely:

???? Culinary Field

???? Event Organizer Field

???? Property Field

???? Investment and Finance Sector


So, what are you waiting for? Without any buts, just look at the implementation date: 

???? March 10, 2021 - April 10, 2021

???? 19.00 - 20.30

???? Zoom Meetings 


Don't forget to join in! So that even though we #StayHome we can still fill it with something useful☺️ Stay safe guys???? 


Respect for time⏰

Respect for people????

Respect to system⚙️ 


WEBS Unair, dare to be a leader!