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The Hearing Meeting or better known as RDP is one of the work programs owned by the Student Legislative Body (BLM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , specifically by Commission C (Advocacy). This work program aims to gather aspirations regarding various problems faced by all active students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . In its implementation, the 2021 FEB Unair Student Hearing Meeting was held using an online system, precisely using the zoom meeting application, on April 4 2021. This 2021 FEB Unair Student Hearing Meeting was attended by various important elements at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , including the President of BEM FEB, Chair of the Accounting Student Association, Chair of the Management Student Association, Chair of the Development Economics Student Association and Chair of the Economics Student Association Islam. Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 11.25.45

In this RDP, there are various focuses of discussion which have often been a problem for students, which in general we can write as follows. Firstly, KRS (Study Plan Card) at this point the majority of FEB students voiced about website problems which often occur when filling out KRS so that it often results in them having to change the schedule they have prepared. Second, KPRS (Study Plan Replacement Card), at this point FEB students focus on increasing the number of class quotas and the academic response which tends to be slow when changing classes in the hall. Third, the Remedial Exam, at this UP point the majority of FEB students stated that they did not receive enough information regarding the subjects tested in the remedial exam as well as assessment indicators and implementation mechanisms. Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 10.39.49

The fourth problem is regarding the Intermediate Semester, many Feb students complain about whether there is an intermediate semester or not, apart from that they also say that the courses available in this intermediate semester are quite small so additional courses are needed. Fifth, Online Learning, in online learning FEB students highlight several problems, namely related to the uneven distribution of internet aid quotas and lack of access to information regarding borrowing educational books and journals. Sixth, Administration, at this point the problem highlighted is the slow response from student affairs regarding processing correspondence and transcripts, as well as the lack of information for final year students who will undertake KKN, Intermediate Semesters, Remedial Exams, etc. As we have written, these six points are a small part of the problems voiced by FEB students at this RDP, the overall results can be seen at the following link . Furthermore, the results of this RDP will be forwarded to related parties for follow-up.Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 11.50.41