The Student Economic League is an annual event organized by
Development Economics Study Program Student Association (HMPS EP) Faculty of Economics
and Business, Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta. The event has 2 sub-events which
1. Scientific writing competition for students from state/private universities
throughout Indonesia.
2. National Seminar on
Student Economic League Activities held on 9 – 10 May 2019. One
of the competitions that we will take part in is the work competition. scientific writing with the theme "
Indonesia's Preparation to Become a Developed Country in 2045". In the LKTI event there are several
selection stages. First, collect abstracts. Second, announcement of passing abstracts and
collection of full papers in hardcopy. Third, finalist announcement and presentation.
The peak event was held in three stages. First, the technical meeting stage which
was held on May 9 2019. Second, the presentation stage which was held
on May 10 2019 at 08.00 – 12.00 WIB. The three national seminars took place at
the Bonaventura Building FEB UAJY at 14.00 WIB - finished.
The Student Economic League is attended by students from all universities in
Indonesia. Participants who passed the presentation stage in the 2019 Student Economic League
included 2 teams Universitas Airlangga
Bogor Agricultural Institute, Semarang State University, 2 teams at Widya Mandala Madiun University
, and 3 teams at Atma Jaya University.
The 2019 Student Economic League activities were held on April 5-7 2019
with the following series of events:
Thursday, 9 May 2019 (Technical Meeting)
On the first day of the activity was the opening which was held in the
UAJY Campus III Auditorium and continued with the Technical Meeting.
The Technical Meeting aims to provide technical information about the competition that will be held.
Saturday, 10 May 2019 (Presentation Stage)
The second day was the peak day for the
2019 Student Economic League event. Namely the presentation of the 10 best teams in front of the jury.
Technically, the presentation lasts 10 minutes and 5 minutes for questions and answers.
Meanwhile, the winners were announced on the same day after the National Seminar.
The winners of the 2019 Student Economic League are:
 First Place at Bogor Agricultural Institute
 Second Place at Semarang State University
 Third Place Universitas Airlangga
 First Place at Universitas Airlangga .
The documentary evidence of activities is as follows:
Economic League for FEB Unair students May 2019
Group Photo Session After Announcement of Winners