The Women's Fiqh Study Event "KAFITA" is a series of Muslim women's studies that discuss women's fiqh. This aims to increase brotherhood among Muslim women and increase insight regarding women's jurisprudence according to Islamic law. This Women's Fiqh Study (KAFITA) consists of material delivery sessions and discussions or questions and answers which will be filled by ustadzah who are experts in their fields. The Women's Fiqh Study (KAFITA) will be filled by Ustadzah Enung Nurhayati, S.Th.I and will be held on Friday, November 9 2022 online via zoom meeting with the media for delivering information in the form of a WhatsApp group. The material to be discussed at each meeting has been determined by the committee in accordance with the KAFITA syllabus that has been created. Before participants take part in KAFITA, participants are required to fill in the form provided and also join the Whatsapp group.



The target participants for this activity are Muslim students of FEB UNAIR, Muslim students Universitas Airlangga and Muslim women in general.