Routine Karimah 4


Shalilah's friends are certainly familiar with the statement that Muslim women are better off just staying at home, taking care of their housework, not having to work outside, or even not having to go to high school? Women often experience stigma from society which limits their movement. Even though many women are now starting to fight stigma, in reality the journey to truly escape stigma is still long. Then, what about our Muslim sisters who have careers outside the home while still maintaining their izzah and iffah as Muslim women, is that wrong? This problem is a real example of how society perceives Muslim women who have careers and pursue higher education. 


Therefore, in this event, Karimah Routine 4, we will include and answer the questions above. The theme for this 4th routine karomah is "Just stay at home!: Muslim women have a career, is it wrong?" With speakers who are very in-depth in this field, namely Kak Lusmitasari who is the Head of Management and Digital Marketing Officer 2021 and also the HRD at Wiyung Sejahtera Hospital. Of course, this event will be useful and will increase our knowledge.


Faith - Intellectual - Professional