This MOSAIC Working Visit activity is an activity held for all MOSAIC administrators, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga for the 2021 period. Working Visits or what is known as jaulah are carried out twice each period. This distance is the second MOSAIC distance. We collaborate with BKIM FEB Riau University. It is planned to be held on Saturday, November 6 2021 and carried out online via the zoom platform. 

This time, Jaulah carries the theme "Sharing Stories and Cultivating a Da'wah Brotherhood". The series of events included an introductory session between MOSAIC administrators and SKI FEB UNAIR external administrators, followed by forming a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and studying together the problems that had occurred in the realm of campus da'wah and looking for joint solutions to overcome the obstacles that had occurred. The hope of this online distance is that even though there are restrictions on social mobility to prevent transmission of the corona virus, friendship will still be maintained well even without meeting face to face.