Art sense is one of the work programs (proker) from the Multimedia Design and Public Relations Bureau MOSAIC FEB UNAIR. This art sense is carried out once every year. To be precise, this year it will be held on Saturday, October 23 2021 and will be held online via the Zoom platform due to restrictions on community activities to support the government's program to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19.  

This art sense takes the form of a design workshop with the theme "how to make a creative and effective design with Canva". The background for choosing this theme is that Canva has recently become one of the design applications that is currently popular, because apart from its features being quite complete, the operation of this application is also quite easy, making it easier for beginners to learn to create designs for posters, social media content, etc. And the hope is that after this design workshop the participants will be able to use this Canva application effectively and also creatively. Apart from that, we can also help spread the message of Islam, not only through the pulpit but also through graphics and visuals.


As an opportunity to deepen the skills of MOSAIC FEB UNAIR administrators in particular and Muslims and Muslim women in general who are interested in da'wah through design.


The target participants for this activity are FEB UNAIR Muslims and general people who are interested in da'wah in visualization.