Assalamu'alaikum Mosaic Friends.. Hopefully everyone is in good health and always under the protection of Allah SWT.

As we know, in Indonesia this year is our second year fighting against the corona virus. This is certainly not an easy thing. However, this does not prevent us from continuing to preach the Islamic religion, strengthening knowledge about Islam. Prophet Muhammad SAW. Said:

"Convey from me even just one verse..." (HR Tirmidhi).

This hadith is the basis for the obligation of every Muslim, male and female, to preach. There is no reason not to fulfill the missionary obligation. Even during a pandemic like this.

People who are steadfast in carrying out their missionary obligations are called khairu umah (the best people), as Allah says: "You are the best people who were born for humans, enjoining what is right, and preventing what is evil, and believing in Allah." (QS Ali Imran [3]: 110).

So the Syiar division will hold an online Sunday Afternoon Study, which is a routine study held every 2 weeks with the theme "Religion and Nationality: Understanding the Meaning of Independence in Islam" which will be held on Sunday, 15 August 2021 with the speaker being Ustadz Heru Kusumahadi Lc, Mpd .i This study aims to strengthen brotherhood between FEB students and establish friendship with the general public, apart from that, this study also aims to strengthen our faith in the midst of this pandemic so that we can move more enthusiastically to achieve His blessing, increase our worship, and as a form of piety within oneself.