Public Speaking is a soft skill that the young generation must have in the current millennial era, especially for students who are active in organizations and will later be equipped to find work. Not only does a good GPA exist, but good speaking skills are also needed. Public speaking is something that is usually feared by some people who do not have self-confidence and feel they lack skills in public speaking. This lack of self-confidence is influenced by a lack of mastery of the material presented, appearance and skills, and other things. As a result, a perception emerged that to become a public speaker you must have basic abilities, namely skills or soft skills.

Islamic Public Speaking is a seminar activity that can provide knowledge on how to convey knowledge well where the main thing taught is how to open or close well using Arabic & English, as well as being adept at starting Public Speaking with prayers. 

This Islamic Public Speaking (IPS) activity will be held for the first time on Saturday, May 1 2021 with the speaker Brother Firman Islami



  1. Increasing students' abilities and interest in Islamic public speaking 
  2. Increasing student interest in the application of Islamic public speaking in every activity 
  3. Improve students' ability to become leaders (team leaders) in having opinions or making decisions.

The target participants for this activity are Muslim students of FEB UNAIR and Muslim students Universitas Airlangga .