"Smart and Creative Moslem Students in the Digital Era"

The young generation of a people or nation is the benchmark for the fate and future of that people or nation. If we want to see the strength and resilience of a people and nation, then look at the quality of the young generation they have. If their younger generation is good, then surely their strength will also be good and it will be difficult for them to be influenced by the ideology or thoughts of other nations or people. However, on the other hand, if the young generation of a nation or people is bad, then we can be sure that they are very vulnerable to destruction and are easily influenced by the ideology of other nations or people.

This shows that as a Muslim generation in the digital era, you must be someone who is intelligent and creative in making the best use of everything that exists in this era so that your quality and faith can be maintained. For example, using technology, utilizing technology not only requires wise use, but we must be intelligent Muslims in accessing extensive information on the internet. This is related to the recent situation with the emergence of fake sites or sources that cannot be trusted as sources of Islamic knowledge. 

Welcoming New FEB Muslim Students (SAMBA MUFE) is an activity carried out by MOSAIC (Moslem Students Association of Economic and Business Faculty) PSDM (Muslim Resource Development) Division to help new students adapt to the campus world without abandoning their essence as Muslims. Samba Mufe was held on Friday, 16 August 2019 in the Soepoyo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . To motivate new students, MOSAIC FEB invited a lawyer and journalist who has published four books, one of which is "Islamic Narrative and the Millennial Movement", namely Teguh Imami.

In this activity the theme raised was "Smart and Creative Moslem Students in the Digital Era". It is hoped that with this theme new students can become intelligent and creative Muslim students in this digital era. As a Muslim, you must protect yourself from being influenced by negative things in the digital era so that your quality and faith can be maintained.

The new students who took part in the FEB Muslim New Student Welcome activity were very enthusiastic. This was seen when they listened to what the speaker said and asked questions during the question and answer session. After that there was an ice breaking session, in this session the committee provided games in the form of Kahoot to find out how far students had listened to the material presented. The committee gave a book by Teguh Imami entitled "Hijrah Millennials" as a form of appreciation to students who got the highest points.

"The best people are in my generation, then the next generation, then the next generation." (Shohih hadith. Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 3651, and Muslim, no. 2533)