basic training feb unairThe struggle to make cooperatives in Indonesia better must continue to be encouraged along with the progress of the 5.0 era and digitalization. This revolution will bring major changes in digital life. Currently, there are still many cooperatives that exist but are few or even inactive. This is due to a lack of encouragement or attention from the government in developing cooperatives in a more advanced direction.

Nowadays, competition is getting tighter so there is no reason for cooperatives to stagnate and remain silent and not innovate, especially in relation to the importance of being a pillar of the national economy. With the enthusiasm of the millennial generation to collaborate in innovation for the development of cooperatives, they will be able to answer the challenges of all existing problems. So the role of the millennial generation is very important in making cooperatives in Indonesia become leading innovations so that they can help improve the current economic situation. Cooperatives as a people's economic movement and as a business entity based on the principles of kinship and economic democracy would be very appropriate if collaborated with the millennial generation as a forum to strengthen themselves in facing new challenges in the era of globalization. So the role of youth needs to be involved in strengthening efforts based on a cooperative spirit to be able to work together to increase the acceleration of the Indonesian economy.

Thus, we from the Student Cooperative of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga 2023 are holding a Basic Education and Training event for Kopma FEB 2023 with the theme "Effective Cooperative Transformation for Progress in the Era 5.0 and Digitalization". This event is one of the activities that is expected to increase students' interest in cooperatives and increase knowledge in the field of cooperative economics and digitalization.