Upgrading is a routine activity usually carried out by Ormawa FEB Unair, as well as Upgrading Kopma FEB Unair. Upgrading Kopma FEB Unair is an activity to strengthen relationships between administrators. Not only is it based on the principle of working together, but it is also hoped that it can increase the sense of family within Kopma FEB Unair. This activity will be carried out online via Zoom Meeting on Sunday 20 March 2022. 


This activity to get to know one administrator better with another administrator is filled with introductions between administrators, providing materials, and focus group discussions. This activity aims to open wider insight to participants about the importance of soft skills in organizations. Through the soft skills possessed by participants, in this case the administrators and members of KOPMEB 2022, these can be used to support the running of the organization. Apart from that, this event is also a means of discussion to highlight the importance of personal abilities in everyday life and in organizations. In this activity, two important materials in the running of an organization were presented, namely leadership and teamworking.