Comparative Study of KOPMA FEB Unair

On Saturday 3 October 2020, KOPMA FEB Unair carried out the KOPMA FEB Unair Comparative Study activity with KOPMA UGM. This activity was carried out with the aim of establishing good relations and strengthening friendships between student cooperatives as well as becoming a forum for discussing problems that often arise among student cooperatives.

This activity was held via "Zoom Meeting" at 13.00 WIB. This event was also a success by the Comparative Study guest, namely KOPMA UGM. The event was created in such a way as to fulfill the objectives of the comparative study itself. The activity began with an introduction to each kopma in order to better understand the profile between kopmas. Then the event continued with a Forum Group Discussion where each division was directed to enter the room for a "Zoom meeting" and then discuss problems arising from each division within the kopma management structure. The event ended with a group photo



The event went well, and the enthusiasm from KOPMA UGM was also positive. By holding this comparative study, participants can build relationships with other kopmas and can utilize the results of discussions to resolve problems in their respective kopmas.

However, the series of Comparative Study events has not just finished, because there will be a second comparative study together with KOPMA UNESA on 17 October 2020.