Kopma FEB Unair Talents Mapping Workshop

On Wednesday 29 July 2020, KOPMA FEB UNAIR held a 2020 Talents Mapping Workshop with the theme "Know Your Talents, Plan Your Activities, Plan Your Future". The aim and objective of holding this Talents Mapping Workshop is to introduce the interests and talents that each student has within themselves so that they can be successful in planning their future.

This workshop activity was held using the "Zoom Meeting" application at 09.00 WIB. The speakers for this event were Mr. Rumayya Batubara as a Lecturer at FEB Unair and Mrs. Onish Akhsani as a Talents Mapping Practitioner.

The event went well, the material presented was clear and useful. By holding this Talents Mapping Workshop, it is hoped that all participants who take part will become individuals who know themselves better and can make decisions for their future.