In facing the academic and professional world that is currently increasingly competitive, students need to have a deep understanding of the various opportunities available, both in terms of career development and scholarship acquisition. Many students are still looking for the right direction to plan the future, require guidance from experts, as well as accurate information about the steps that must be taken.

dialogue and sharing feb uaTo support students in exploring career paths and scholarship opportunities, Hima Masters Science Management presents "MSM Dialogue & Sharing". This activity is designed as an interactive discussion forum to provide insight and inspiration for students in exploring career opportunities and scholarships. This event will be packaged through a live broadcast session on Instagram Hima MSM (@Himamsm.unair) by presenting competent speakers. In this live broadcast session the speakers will share experiences, valuable knowledge, tips, and strategies in winning scholarships and building a successful career. With their experience and knowledge, students are expected to be able to get practical guidelines to prepare themselves in facing various challenges and opportunities in the academic and professional world.
In addition to providing useful information for students, MSM Dialogue & Sharing activities are in line with the objectives of SDGs, especially the 4th and 8th points, namely regarding quality education and decent jobs and economic growth. Through this informative and inspiring discussion can support efforts to improve access to higher education that is inclusive and equitable so that it can print superior and competitive human resources.