management get talentMGT or Management Got Talent is an annual event organized by the Undergraduate Management Student Association (HIMA), Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR). This event is one of the work programs of the Sport and Art division of HIMA S1 Management which aims to explore and showcase the best talents of UNAIR Management students. With the theme "Unleash Your Passion, Showcase Your Talent, Seize Victory," the event provides a platform for participants to showcase their skills and talents in front of a wide audience.

Management Got Talent will take place in two stages, namely the preliminary round on 26-27 September 2024 and the final round on 12 October 2024. In organizing this year's Management Got Talent, we are proud to invite competent judges from two Student Activity Units ( UKM) is renowned at Universitas Airlangga . Universitas Airlangga Choir UKM (PSUA), we present Ms. Catherine, a judge who is experienced in vocal arts. Apart from that, from the UKM Dance & Karawitan Activities Unit (UKTK), we also invited Sis Ocha, an expert in the arts of dance and musical arts. It is hoped that the presence of these judges can provide objective and constructive assessments, as well as inspire the participants to perform their best.

Management Got Talent is not just a competition event, but also a means to foster self-confidence and enthusiasm for work among UNAIR Bachelor of Management students. By participating in this event, participants not only have the opportunity to show their talents, but also to learn and develop through the assessment process and feedback from professional judges. Come join us and see how these young talents chase victory and inspire us all!
HIMA S1 Management
Universitas Airlangga